Sorry, Logan, mommy's been slacking with the posting lately.. Its been an exhasting eventful last couple of weeks and I havent had much time to spare and so the computer was definately something out of my reach recently.. okay, lets see what i need to update you on..
Let's start with the fact that I missed posting my 21 week update.. nothing new, really.. just having a hard time getting a full night's rest, but who knows that if that has to do with the pregnancy or not.. you're still growing and more and more people are noticing ya!! :-D most think it's just a little extra weight but some say its an obvious baby bump cuz of how round you are getting :-)
20 weeks, 4/23 about 150 lbs (11 lbs gained)
lol.. and let me jus tell ya that people get shocked by how big you are getting so quickly.. and mommy is pretty shocked too.. I walk by a mirror and go "who's that with the pregnant belly?" lol.. its kind of weird cuz i dont think i look pregnant until i turn to the side and its a little bit of a shock still..hahha..
moving onto my 3rd Dr option.. i finally got to see the midwife last thursday and have made the decision to stay with her.. ive also decided to deliever at Elmer, attempt to not go for the epidural, and also breastfeed.. I feel a little more confident now because the midwife seemed to know what she's doing in all those areas and had nothing but encouraging positive words to offer me and i know all those things are challenging, but your mommy is strong, stubborn, and determined, and everything is gonna be just fine :-D
Last friday, some men came over and laid down the carpet for the basement.. it looks GREAT and your big brother and sister are loving all the extra space down there.. there are a few more repairs that have to be done (the trim is next, then the doors on the holes in the walls that give us access to the water heater, etc.. and the other half of the ceiling, and the windows..) however, those are not really important right now and will take time and money so for now, we moved the things from the play room down there and the play room will be starting to turn into your room soon :-D i'll be sure to keep you updated with pics on that too :-) work is never done for mommy and daddy (esp daddy, he's working so hard on everything.. you should be proud :-D)
On Saturday, we had the grandparents over for Easter dinner because your brother and sister was at their moms on Sunday, Easter day.. and it was really nice to get together with everyone, as always :-) and i realized that that was the last big holiday without you.. the next big holiday is Halloween and hopefully we willl have you in a cute costume for that :-)
For Easter, daddy and I went to my grandparent Krumm's for a traditional Italian family holiday dinner :-D yum!!
On Tuesday, Daddy and I went to Babies R Us and registered for your baby shower.. man was that overwhelming!! theres so much!! and I definately think I need "Aunt Nikki"'s help with fixing it up a little bit.. I had NO clue what i was doing.. and daddy was a little help, but I need all the help i can get.. haha.. "Aunt Nikki" and I are gonna get togehter soon to discuss that and your baby shower plans :-D cant wait!!!
I think ive covered everything over the past week.. Sunday we are 22 weeks and I'll definately post a new baby bump picture then.. but for now, keep being your little crazy energetic self because daddy and I love to see and feel you move :-D And I also love how when daddy talks or touches you, you seem to "perk" up.. i love how you two are bonding already :-D its amazing.. and also, let me add that your older sister just ADORES you already.. shes always rubbing you and saying hi and talking baby talk to we cannot wait for your arrival!! but please, take your time, because we definately have more "prepping" that needs to be done before Sept. :-)